Islamic Inheritance Laws
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This is the complet course on Islamic laws of inheritance, covering every detail. It is conveniently divided into 15 lessons. If you are planning to master laws click here to begin:
Go to Lesson 1 - IntroductionQuick guide provides a small introduction about the laws of inheritance, and leads you to share calculation using the flowchart or the Ready Reckoner.
IntroductionUnderstand the Steps for distribution:
Steps for distributionNow it's time to find the shares. You can find the share using any of the two options:
Use the Flowchart Use the Ready ReckonerIf you want know more about how to use the ready reckoner, or have trouble in calculations:
How to use the ready reckoner How to calculate? (with examples)Once you have found the shares using either the Ready Reckoner or the Flow chart, come back to Steps for distribution and allot the shares.
Steps for distribution