Steps for distribution
Steps for distribution
Educate the people: Our responsibility is to teach the people as per the Prophet’s(s.a.s) command. Teach it to the people and do your job. If anybody disobeys and plays false in property division he will bear the punishment.
After the death:
- Funeral expenses to be met.
- Debts to be cleared - Debts to Allah and debts to humans.
- Waseeyat or will to be implemented not exceeding 1/3 of the property. See Will under full course.
- Remaining is divided among heirs. At the time of division consider relatives, poor, orphans and give them a portion of it with the consent of all heirs.
- Go to the table chart read how to use it and find out the Heirs
- If living fixed heirs are there give the Fixed Heirs' share first. Some are eligible and some get excluded. Three things can happen A)If the shares add up to more than unity then apply the principle of Awl. There is no balance left for balance heirs B) If the shares add up to unity then no balance left and eligible balance heirs will not get anything. C) If after allotting fixed share balance is available then it is distributed among the eligible balance heirs.
If no living fixed heirs then whole thing is the balance. - Balance is allotted to eligible balance heirs. One male gets double that of one female.
- If no balance heirs consider radd. Balance is given to fixed heirs in proportion to their fixed shares except husband/wife.
- If no fixed heirs except Husband/ Wife to take Radd then distant relatives are eligible. See section under distant relatives in full course.
- If no Distant relatives then Husband/wife is eligible for Radd.
- If none from the above then the balance goes to the next 4 categories of people mentioned in the balance heirs list after distant relatives one above excluding the next in order.
- If no body then the balance goes to Baithul Maal.