Steps for distribution
Steps for distribution
Educate the people: Our responsibility is to teach the people as per the Prophet’s(s.a.s) command. Teach it to the people and do your job. If anybody disobeys and plays false in property division he will bear the punishment.
After the death:
- Funeral expenses to be met.
- Debts to be cleared - Debts to Allah and debts to humans.
- Waseeyat or will to be implemented not exceeding 1/3 of the property. See Will under full course.
- Remaining is divided among heirs. At the time of division consider relatives, poor, orphans and give them a portion of it with the consent of all heirs.
- Now it's time to find the shares. You can find the share using any of the two options:
Use the Flowchart Use the Ready Reckoner